It's 1.30 am. Do you know where your brain is?; or, start collecting jars and bottles now for Christmas crafting

There was a time, not too long ago, that 1.30 am on a Saturday night (or Sunday morning, for the pedantic out there) would have seen me somewhat dishevelled, revelling away in a nightclub, trying to work out if I had enough money for another drink or whether I should save it for a portion of chips, onion rings and mayo on the way home.

Ah memories.

Alas, last night that scene did not take place. Instead, I do what most other people do when they can't sleep but it's now too late (or early, again for the pedantic) to actually go and do anything; I started treeing on the internet. You know, you innocently go to read your email, you click on a link, that leads to another link and another, and before you know it, you're planning your Christmas crafting session and looking at recipes for cinnamon buns.

Yes, you read that correctly...cinnamon buns...errrr....I mean...yes, Christmas crafting session. To further reiterate how ridiculous that sounds, today not only are we in the beginnings of Spring, but it was also practically Summer out there today. I kid ye not! Today in good ol' Blighty with its schizophrenic weather, it was a balmy 16°C. Now you can see why the Brits love to talk about the weather so much.

Now, the crafty* and well-organised amongst you will no doubt guffaw at my cavalier attitude to Christmas planning. I'm sure some of you have already grabbed gift wrap and greetings cards from the post-Christmas sales and have them safely stashed away. Unfortunately, my ninja skillz don't extend to forward planning. Not unless that forward planning involves ice cream in some way. No, my road to Christmas is paved with good intentions, but usually ends with me in a panic somewhere around the 22nd December when I realise I've bought my mum rose-scented bath foam...AGAIN!

So last night, hidden between the cinnamon bun recipes, I found loads of great recipes for homemade foodie gifts. Gifts that were quick to make and didn't cost ££. But, most important of all, homemade gifts that didn't suck. And so I took it upon myself to start collecting glass jars and bottles in preparation for the Christmas crafting extravaganza that will no doubt overtake me come November 30th. And that's why I'm letting you guys know too. 'Cos the last thing I (and you) need is to have all these great crafty ideas but no actual receptacles to put them in. And then there'll be a panic-buying episode where you buy ridiculously overpriced ornate glass jars because you threw out all those empty jam and pickle jars over the last 6 months,  so you end up spending more money than you intended just because you're determined to do your damned pumpkin chutney and mincemeat.

And you don't want that, do you?

* By 'crafty' I don't mean devious and sly, I mean likes to make stuff.


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