Lazarus Pit; or, it's about time I resurrected this blog

Let's face it, this blog has been languishing for ages, abandoned and wandering the streets like a Dickensian orphan at Christmas. But no more! It's about time that I got my backside into gear and actually bothered to write stuff. So, as you can see, I've had a redesign and also a renaming; RIP dolli*knitrix deliberations, we hardly knew ye.

I've gone through a lot of my old posts and deleted a bunch which were either (a) out of date or (b) nonsensical/boring. There's still a few I'm umming and ahhhing about, but I may just keep them, or I may not. I may be radical and delete them all!*
Anyway, enough of my rambling and on with the show. But don't get too attached; chances are I'll have a brief mania on here and will update it constantly, then my attentions will be diverted elsewhere and this blog will probably lie on the side of the road, again. Don't be disheartened, 'tis the dolli*knitrix way.

At this point, you're probably wondering where the But can she type? title came from. Or maybe you're not. Either way, you're about to find out. I'm a huge fan of The Twilight Zone, both the 60s series and the 80s one (but not the 90s one, with it's god-awful Korn soundtrack...we shall kindly ignore that one). One of my favourite stories from the 80s one is about a secretary who gets sucked into a parallel dimension while sorting out a photocopier**; a parallel universe where all secretaries are revered as superstar models. But, why should I bother telling you when you can just watch it? Thanks to the magic of YouTube, here it is.

And yes, that is Mindy from Mork & Mindy.

* Highly unlikely, as it would involve effort on my part.
** As I spend most of my working day unjamming and fixing photocopiers, this is a fantasy I often indulge myself in.


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