Jem and the Holograms wave 2 announced!

As previously stated, I have been waiting a loooooonnnnnnggggg time for a re-release of Jem and the Holograms dolls. Looks like plenty of other people were too, as the first wave released in November 2012 sold out almost immediately! Luckily, I managed to find a little-known dealer who still had a full set left, so I didn't miss out

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2

Anyway, Integrity have just announced their Spring line, and the Holograms are back! Kimber, Aja and Shana are here and they look wonderful. Cool to see that their instruments are detailed and even have real miniature strings.

First up is Kimber, Jerrica's little sister. She looks good, lovin' the big hair and her outfit is amazing. Great to see the keytar actually look like an instrument.

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Kimber Benton close-up

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Kimber Benton

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Kimber Benton and accessories
Aja is next and I think she's my favourite from the wave. Unsure about her hair though, I think it should be more straight, but nothing a boil-perm (err, boil straightening) can't cure.

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Aja Leith close-up

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Aja Leith

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Aja Leith and accessories
Final doll in wave 2 is Shana. Again, incredibly cool rendition, although I think the hair is a bit...wild. OK, I know big hair was the thing in the 80s and that she does have curly hair, but not this curly! I think a looser curl would work better. Maybe Shana will be joining Aja in a boil perm!

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Shana Elmsford close-up

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Shana Elmsford

Integrity Toys Jem and the Holograms wave 2 - Shana Elmsford and accessories
Wave 2 will be available for preorder from official Integrity dealers from Monday 28th January at noon ET (so, that's anytime from now!)
